Saturday 20 December 2014

Mercury Labs (The Flash)

First Appearance: The Flash Episode 9: The Man in the Yellow Suit

Mercury Labs is S.T.A.R Labs' biggest rival in scientific research and discoveries, a second research lab in Central City. After the accident, Mercury became the forefront for scientific discovery led by Dr. Christina McGee

Days before Christmas, in the Superluminal Development section of the Central City facility, a doctor is working on “the future” when two guards (Jimmy and an unnamed guard) wish him a merry Christmas. As they begin to walk away, the alarms are triggered by an unknown intruder. They tells the doctor to run and lock down the entire building. As the doctor locks himself in the lab, the Reverse Flash speeds into the room, killing the guards and stands watching the doctor behind the glass, before speeding off.

Later Barry Allen and Joe West investigate the deaths of the two guards and the brake in. Barry concludes that due to the spatter patterns, the deaths were caused by a high velocity collision. Eddie interrupts, telling them that the witness only saw a “blur.” They go talk to the doctor, who reveals that it “whatever it was” was looking for something and that it looked like a “man in a yellow suit.”

Barry tries to get his files, but Joe warns him not too, telling Barry about the files being stolen and the fact that the Reverse-Flash threatened to kill Iris if Joe didn't leave him alone.

The floor that the crime took place had high security vaults, where they were trying to work with Tachyions (super luminal particles.)

Dr. McGee visits Central City Police Headquarters, where Barry and Harrison Wells try to get her to let them borrow a Tachyion prototype device. She tells them that Mercury Labs is working on hundreds of developing prototypes and that the gap for technology is far from capable of real life application. She thanks them for the concern, but tells them that Mercury Labs is quite capable of protecting “it's own assets.”

McGee returns to C.C.P.D, where she demands that the intervention with the judge and an official warrant was the work of Harrison Wells. In a last effort to get the device, Barry threatens to reveal all the scientific research that Mercury has been doing to Science Magazines, either by phoning the editor or leaving posts on their website. She angrily tells him that they will have the tachyion device “within the hour” and says he is very similar to Harrison Wells.

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