Tuesday 23 December 2014

Black Lantern Golden Glider (Blackest Night: The Flash (2010)

First Appearance: Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #1

Golden Glider, Lisa Snart, was among the dead Rogues that had  been resurrected by Nekron and joined the Black Lantern Corps. She is Leonard Snart (Captain Cold's) younger sister.

Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #1: Captain Cold had been tracking the Rogues that had been resurrected, noting that she is among the group of Rogues that attacked Iron Heights prison.

Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #2: She helped the Rogues kill many of the guards and prisoners. She leaps at Captain Cold, kicking him in the face with her ice skating boots and cutting his cheek. She greets him and says that they had been looking for him.

She tells him that she missed him after he left and blames him for not being able to save her. She gives him another kick and reminds him that he was always going to b there to protect him. Lisa goads him to feel something as she is the only one who knows him. 

In a flashback, Leonard holds Lisa and makes the promise that he won't let her be hurt by their abusive father or any other person, which makes him feel love in the present.

She remarks that 'as much as you hate it... Your hearts not always cold.' She goes on to say that he should feel more than a sliver of love at he sight of her. But Snart snaps her foot and retorts that 'when life hits you hard, you gotta shrug it off... and move onto the next job.' As she goes in for another attack, Cod freezes her solid and shatters her. He tells her that she is a part of his life that had died.

Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #3: Lisa reanimates herself and joins the pursuit of the Rogues. Despite the wall of fire created by Heatwave and the explosives thrown into the fire by the Trickster, she and the other Rogues are not slowed down. However they are side-tracked by Eobard Thawne, who they find hanging upside down (a future version of Thawne that the Flash had imprisoned). Cold freezes Glider and the others, before leaving her to be frozen with the rest of Iron Heights due to a cold grenade.

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