Sunday 21 December 2014

The Reverse-Flash Suit (The Flash)

First Appearance: The Flash Season 1: Episode 1: The Pilot

The Reverse-Flash suit is a yellow and black suit with red lightning bolt fatures on the ears and a red reverse Flash symbol ontop of a black circle.

The Reverse-Flash wears his suit when he is  comiting his crimes. However when he is fighting the Flash and attacking Merucry Labs, he is wearing red lenses, which appear to be missing on Well's suit.

While everyone else is celebrating Christmas at the West House, Harrison Wells enters his room, where he uses his ring to open a secret compartment with a containment pod which has a dummy sealed inside. He uses his ring on the mechnism on the outside of the pod and the Reverse Flash costume suddenly materialsis on the dummy. He straps the stolen Tachyion Device that the Reverse-Flash had stolen from S.T.A.R Labs onto the chest piece and watches as the energy flickers through the suit and also heal the wounds that had recieved from the Reverse-Flash's attack on him. He distorts his voice like the Reverse-Flash and wishes the suit a 'Merry Christmas.'

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