Saturday 20 December 2014

Tar Pit (Blackest Night: The Flash (2010)

First Appearance: The Flash (1987) #174

Tar Pit, aka Joey Montelone, is a criminal who operates in Keystone City and is brother to the Keystone drug lord, Jack Montelone (The Candyman.) After he escaped from a vat of tar, he discovered he was unable to escape this form. He became a member of the Rogues.

Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #1: 

He accompanies Owen Mercer, the second Captain Boomerang to visit the graveyard of the Rogues, Avernus in Central City. The former Rogues have already been reanimated by Nekron at this point. He watches as Owen kneels down beside the empty grave of his father, correcting him when he says that 'Every good Boomerang comes back,' by saying that that fact may be true but not from the dead. He also notices that other members of the Rogues have risen. Owen asks if he is backing out on him, but Tar Pit claims that he never said 'yes' to this. Owen asks if Tar Pit has a heart, which he replies that he lost it since the day he 'astrally-projected myself into this pile of burning asphalt and got stuck.' When he questions why this fact is so important, Owen reveals to him that as he has no heart, the Black Lanterns won't bother to kill him and needs his help in order to find his father. Tar Pit remarks that he doesn't think the Black Lantern Captain Boomerang will say anything good, but is interrupted by a lone Black Power Ring that buries itself deep into the ground, beneath the Reverse-Flash's memorial statue and reanimates him. Owen asks how fast he can run, but Tar Pit reveals he can't. Owen says that's too bad and super-speeds off, leaving Tar Pit alone in Avernus with the Black Lantern Reverse-Flash. However he is unable to sense Tar Pit with the lack of his heart, leaving him safe and unharmed.

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