Thursday 18 December 2014

The Flash: Episode 9: The Man in the Yellow Suit Review

This episode is what it has all been leading up to, the confrontation and reveal of the 'Man in the Yellow Suit.' Although we don't know what he calls himself, he says that he is the 'Reverse.' So I think it's up to Cisco to give him the name the Reverse Flash as he can't just be called the Man in the Yellow Suit for the rest of the series. We also have few questions answered and even more cliffhangers looming.

For example; Yes, Ronnie Raymond has survived, but what has happened to him to become 'Firestorm'? Whether he can transmute matter like in the comics in Flash has not yet been revealed or the effect it will have on Caitlin Snow knowing that her fiancée is alive and a meta-human, who can set his skin on fire.

As for the big moment: you may already have seen images if not the episode that shows that Harrison Wells owns a Speed Ring and has a copy of the Reverse-Flash suit in his secret lair. So does this mean he is the Reverse-Flash? It has been set up for him to look like the Reverse-Flash, so whether this is some massive rues or is actually the case that he is the speedster we don't know.

And finally the possibility that there was another speedster in the house that transported Barry to safety as a child is a great concept and cliffhanger to leave on, especially as Wells claimed there were no records of meta-humans before the S.T.A.R Labs Accelerator incident.

I love how Eddie is getting more action, instead of just being the boyfriend to Iris. As for the love story between Barry and Iris, I know it will probably happen, but I secretly hope is doesn't. Nothing personal against ….., but I don't like the character of Iris. Personally I hope she does the same arc that Thea and Laurel had in Arrow and grows as a character rather than just being the love interest. That is what I love about Felicity and Cailtin, they are strong characters in their own right.

But the best part of the episode is the fights between Firestorm, Barry and the Reverse-Flash. I am loving the special effects that The Flash is using, quite similar to what Smallville did when they used Bart Allen or Clark Kent's super-speed. The Reverse-Flash is really cool, the way he kills the security guards in Mercury Labs and then how he breaks out of a seemingly impossible force-field. Whether that was an actual power failure, or an example of a negative speed force in play, I don't know but either way it was awesome. If they do have Harrison Wells be the Reverse-Flash, then the attack he does on Wells would be so fantastic, a version of himself beating the other version close to death.

There are a few theories I have contemplated, which all could carry some weight judging by what has happened with both his character and the meta-humans. The first is time-travel, which has been confirmed as occurring in future episodes, with Harrison Wells potentially being a character from the future (possibly even a future Reverse-Flash). The second is the possibility that Harrison Wells cloned himself using the same DNA replication process that Caitlin used to create a copy of Multiplex.

So overall I would seriously recommend this episode. The cliffhanger it leaves and the potential for character arcs and stories is just amazing. As for the football stadium fight and the idea that two sets of speesters were fighting in the football stadium at the fact same is just mind blowing and all this happening at Christmas, an eventful Christmas episode that has the right amount of action as well as character interaction (which is nice to see.)

Some Easter Eggs:

Mercury Labs: The name of one of the Flash family member Max Mercury, who was at a time, Impulse's (Bart Allen) guardian. He dies at the hand of the Rival (a version of the Reverse- Flash) Whether or not he will be appearing in the show has not yet been confirmed.

The Flash Ring: As mentioned before, Wells has a Flash Ring that in the comics is used by both Flash and the Reverse-Flash to contain a speed-force energy suit.

The Rival: Harrison Wells says that Mecury Labs is S.T.A.R Labs' rival. This is reference to Max Mercury dying at the hands of The Rival, a dark speedster who is one of the many Reverse-Flashes.

Cobalt Blue:  The wrapping paper on Barry's present to Harrison Wells is rather blue in colour, which could be a connection to Cobalt Blue,the twin brother of Barry Allen, who was raised by the Thawne family.

Firestorm: Ronnie Raymond actually calls himself 'Firestorm' which he uses as his hero identity in the comic books, along with a few other people who also go by the name.

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