Wednesday 24 December 2014

Cheetah- Prime Earth: The New 52 (Forever Evil (2013)

First Appearance: Justice League (2011) #13

The Cheetah, Barbara Gordon is a criminal and enemy of Wonder Woman, who possesses the ancient power of the San Tribe and their guardian, the Goddess of the Hunt, which she had corrupted and turned evil.

Forever Evil (2013) #1: Cheetah is among the crowd at the Justice League's destroyed Watchtower in Happy Harbour, where she awaits the start of the meeting. She shares her dislike for being summoned by 'humans' but tells him that they should at least hear what the Syndicate had to say. When the Syndicate throw the Justice League's weapons among the crowd, Cheetah catches Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, keeping it. She watches as Ultraman kills Monocle and claims that this 'World is ours.'

Man-Bat- Prime Earth: The New 52 (Forever Evil (2013)

First Appearance: Batman and Robin (2011) #4

Robert Kirk Langstrom is a scientist trying to work on a cure for deafness. However the formula he created mutated both him and his test subjects into giant bat creatures.

Forever Evil (2013) #1: Man-Bat was among the criminals to gather at Happy Harbour as Ultraman declares that the world belongs to the Crime Syndiacte and the reveal of Nightwing's civillian identity as Dick Grayson.

Trickster- Prime Earth: The New 52 (Forever Evil (2013)

First Appearance: The Flash (2011) #3

Axel Walker is a teenaged member of the Rogues, who uses weapons and gadgets based on the theme of children's toys.

 Forever Evil (2013) #1: Trickster had been arrested and spent two weeks in Iron Heights, before the Rogues decided to relases him as he would have 'learned his lesson.' However before they can free him, Johnny Quick and Atomica brake in and release all the inmates.

After he escaped from Iron Heights, he and the Rogues made their way to Happy Harbour, where they waited for the Crime Syndicate's address to the villains released from all of America's prisons. He tells Captain Cold that he should lighten up and asks why everyone is acting so 'damned' serious. He jumps on Deathstoke shouting that it looks like a party and asks 'who brought the kegs?' Deathstroke angrily tells him not to touch himm and he bounds off to join the Rogues. He watches as Ultraman declares that the world belongs to the Crime Syndicate and Superwoman's unmasking of Nightwing.

Forever Evil (2013) #2: Trickster returned with the Rogues to Central City, where Plastique orders them level the city.

Forever Evil (2013) #3: Trickster and the Rogues are confronted by Power Ring and Deathstorm, who asks why they were unable to complete the 'simple task' of leveling Central City in order that they have an example of what happens to  who dispute the order of the Crime Syndicate. While Captain Cold tries to reason with them, Power Ring accuses Trickster of making a move against them, who had actually scratched his nose as he claims his mask was 'itching all day.'  Power Ring attacks them and after watching Deathstorm remove Captain Cold's cryogenetic powers, they escapes through a mirror with the help of Mirror Master. As they escape Power Ring shatters the mirror, seperating the Rogues from Captain Cold.

Amanda Waller- Prime Earth: The New 52 (Forever Evil (2013)

First Appearance: Suicide Squad (2011) #1

Amanda Waller is the leader of Task Force X (Suicide Squad), a goverment project that go on highly dangerous missions, using criminals as operatives in order that they might shave off their sentences. 

Forever Evil (2013) #1: Amanda Waller met with Black Manta in his cell at Belle Reve Prison, where she tells him that he is a perfect candidate for the 'Suicide Squad' as he is the definition of a psychopath. She comments on the fact that he is completely lacking in a conscience, love, compassion and remorse as well as his ability with fishing knives. Black Manta retorts that the Squad is a lie and when you complete one mission, you have to do another rather than going free. Waller asks if there is anything that she can do to pursuade him, but Manta replies that all he wants is the 'Death of Aquaman.'

At that moment Power Ring and Deathstorm brake into Belle Reve and release all the prisoners.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Black Lantern Batman (Blackest Night (2009)

First Appearance: Blackest Night (2009) #5

The body of Batman buried in Gotham Cemetery next to his parents is actuay  a clone that was created by Darkseid and his scientists from Apokolips. His body was mistaken by the hero community to be the real thing, while the original Bruce Wayne was sent into the past when he was blasted with Darkseid's Omega Beams.

Black Hand had stolen his skull from Batman's grave, carrying it around it with him.

Blackest Night (2009) #5: Nekorn used the skull to create a Black Lantern version of Batman to cause an emotional tether to the resurrected heroes. He then created several rings that possessed his former friends  and killed them in order that Nekorn could use them for his corps. While Barry tries to save the heroes from their fate, Green Lantern restrains him with an energy construct. Nekron tells him that he has served his purpose and orders him to go 'back to rest.' The ring's connection is severed and the Black Lantern Batman is destroyed.

Black Lantern Golden Glider (Blackest Night: The Flash (2010)

First Appearance: Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #1

Golden Glider, Lisa Snart, was among the dead Rogues that had  been resurrected by Nekron and joined the Black Lantern Corps. She is Leonard Snart (Captain Cold's) younger sister.

Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #1: Captain Cold had been tracking the Rogues that had been resurrected, noting that she is among the group of Rogues that attacked Iron Heights prison.

Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #2: She helped the Rogues kill many of the guards and prisoners. She leaps at Captain Cold, kicking him in the face with her ice skating boots and cutting his cheek. She greets him and says that they had been looking for him.

She tells him that she missed him after he left and blames him for not being able to save her. She gives him another kick and reminds him that he was always going to b there to protect him. Lisa goads him to feel something as she is the only one who knows him. 

In a flashback, Leonard holds Lisa and makes the promise that he won't let her be hurt by their abusive father or any other person, which makes him feel love in the present.

She remarks that 'as much as you hate it... Your hearts not always cold.' She goes on to say that he should feel more than a sliver of love at he sight of her. But Snart snaps her foot and retorts that 'when life hits you hard, you gotta shrug it off... and move onto the next job.' As she goes in for another attack, Cod freezes her solid and shatters her. He tells her that she is a part of his life that had died.

Blackest Night: The Flash (2010) #3: Lisa reanimates herself and joins the pursuit of the Rogues. Despite the wall of fire created by Heatwave and the explosives thrown into the fire by the Trickster, she and the other Rogues are not slowed down. However they are side-tracked by Eobard Thawne, who they find hanging upside down (a future version of Thawne that the Flash had imprisoned). Cold freezes Glider and the others, before leaving her to be frozen with the rest of Iron Heights due to a cold grenade.

Sunday 21 December 2014

The Reverse-Flash Suit (The Flash)

First Appearance: The Flash Season 1: Episode 1: The Pilot

The Reverse-Flash suit is a yellow and black suit with red lightning bolt fatures on the ears and a red reverse Flash symbol ontop of a black circle.

The Reverse-Flash wears his suit when he is  comiting his crimes. However when he is fighting the Flash and attacking Merucry Labs, he is wearing red lenses, which appear to be missing on Well's suit.

While everyone else is celebrating Christmas at the West House, Harrison Wells enters his room, where he uses his ring to open a secret compartment with a containment pod which has a dummy sealed inside. He uses his ring on the mechnism on the outside of the pod and the Reverse Flash costume suddenly materialsis on the dummy. He straps the stolen Tachyion Device that the Reverse-Flash had stolen from S.T.A.R Labs onto the chest piece and watches as the energy flickers through the suit and also heal the wounds that had recieved from the Reverse-Flash's attack on him. He distorts his voice like the Reverse-Flash and wishes the suit a 'Merry Christmas.'